Ty Li

Tyrone was born in Guangzhou, China and has been a proud resident of Toronto since a young age. Raised in a diverse community, his energetic and quirky charisma plays a big part in the passion he brings to all that he does. His education from Ryerson University in Television and Radio Media Production has equipped him with the mind and skills needed to create on different canvases.

With a strong background in production and performance, both on and behind stage, he has been very involved in Toronto’s performance scene, including stage plays, voice-over, radio program host, television, and film works.  Fluency in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese allows him to effectively connect and engage with different people and audiences.

As an Emcee for various events and celebrations since the age of 19, he has demonstrated his charisma and effective communication skills on all sorts of stages.  His goal is to bring his knowledge of Chinese and Western media and cultural life as the bridge of friendship and exchange which ultimately hopes to translate into more innovative Chinese content.